
coming in 2024

12 Angry Jurors by Sherman L. Sergel

Directed by Maggie Thomas

Auditions August 12th and 13th at Garrison School 502 N Water St

Time: TBT

Cold Readings from script

Callbacks if needed or cast list posted TBT

Read Through TBT

Resumes and headshots not necessary but appreciated.

List of conflicts required.

Performances: September 19th – 22nd

Questions? Please email us at [email protected]


Juror #1 (Foreman/woman) lead –
Male – A small, petty man who is impressed with the authority he has and handles himself quite formally.
Female -A small, petty woman who is impressed with the authority she has and handles herself quite formally.

Juror #2 supporting –
Male – A meek, hesitant man who finds it difficult to speak his own thoughts for fear of being shouted down by the more powerful personalities in the room.
Female – A meek, hesitant woman who finds it difficult to maintain any opinion of her own.

Juror #3 lead –
Male – A very strong, very forceful, extremely opinionated man, intolerant of opinions other than his own; at the same time, a deeply wounded man who tries to hide his pain behind a loud voice.
Female – A very strong, very forceful, extremely opinionated woman. A humourless woman who is intolerant of opinions other than her own.

Juror #4 supporting –
Male – Seems to be a man of wealth and position, and a practiced speaker who presents himself well at all times. His only concern is with the facts of the case and is often the voice of reason and logic when fights break out amongst the others.
Female – She seems to be a woman of wealth and position, and a practiced speaker who presents herself well at all times. She seems to feel a little bit above the rest of the jurors. Her only concern is with the facts fo the case, and is appalled with the behaviour of the other jurors.

Juror #5 supporting –
Male – A younger man from the slums who identifies with the young man on trial more than he would like to admit.
Female – A naive, frightened young woman who takes her obligations in this case very seriously, but finds it difficult to speak up when her elders have the floor.

Juror #6 supporting –
Male – An honest man who comes upon his decisions slowly and carefully. A blue-collar worker who states his opinions honestly and bluntly.

Female – An honest woman who comes upon her decisions slowly and carefully. She finds it difficult to create positive opinions, but must listen to, digest, and accept those opinions offered by others which appall her most.

Juror #7 supporting –
Male – A loud, flashy, glad-handed salesman who has more important things to do than sit in a jury. Quick to show temper and equally quick to form opinions.
Female – A loud, flashy, glad-handed saleswoman who works in a department store and has more important things to do than sit in a jury. Quick to show temper and equally quick to form opinions.

Juror #8 lead –
Male – A quiet, thoughtful gentleman. Sees all sides of every question and constantly seeks the truth. A man of strength tempered with compassion. Above all, a man who wants justice to be done and will fight to see that it is.
Female – A quiet, thoughtful gentle woman. Sees all sides of every question and constantly seeks the truth. A woman of strength tempered with compassion. Above all, a woman who wants justice to be done and will fight to see that it is.

Juror #9 lead –
Male – An old man. Gentle, mild, and long since defeated by life. He recognizes himself for what he is and tries to be the voice of experience and wisdom in the room.
Female – An old woman. Gentle, mild, and long since defeated by life. She recognizes herself for what she is and mourns for the days when it would have been possible to be courageous without shielding herself behind her many years.

Juror #10 lead –
Male – A bully and a bigot. He is an angry, bitter man who antagonizes almost at sight. Female – An angry, bitter woman who antagonizes almost at sight. Also a bigot who places no value on any human life save her own.

Juror #11 lead –
Male – An immigrant who speaks with an accent and is a humble, quiet man. He is very polite and calm, and believes very strongly in the American Ideal and in the Justice System.
Female – A refugee who came to this country as a young adult. She speaks with an accent and is ashamed, humble and almost subservient to the people around her. She will honestly seek justice because she has suffered through so much injustice.

Juror #12 supporting –
Male – A slick, bright advertising man who tries to do the right thing, but is used to being overwhelmed by people with louder, brighter ideas.
Female – A slick, bright advertising woman who thinks of human beings in terms of percentages, graphs and polls, and has no real understanding of people.

Guard ensemble — A bit part. A policeman or policewoman of any age. Judge ensemble
Clerk ensemble

coming in 2024

The Outsider by Paul Spade Smith

Directed by TBT

Auditions Sept 30th – Oct 1st at Garrison School 502 N Water St

Time: Sheri Coffman

Cold Readings from script

Callbacks if needed or cast list posted TBT

Read Through TBT

Resumes and headshots not necessary but appreciated.

List of conflicts required.

Performances: November 14th -17th

Questions? Please email us at [email protected]


PAIGE CALDWELL, female, 20s to 40s. A professional pollster. A smart, confident woman with a professional’s view of politics: she sees it as a series of contests to be won.

DAVE RILEY, male, 30s/40s. The Chief of Staff to the new Governor. Very smart, but— despite years of experience in government — endearingly earnest and naive on the subject of politics.

LOUISE PEAKES, female, 30s to 50s. A temporary employee hired as the Governor’s executive assistant. Personable, likable, impressively confident, and entirely inept. Without knowing it, she has the air of a politician about her. The friendliness of her smile, and the confident way she looks you in the eye, could make you think, “I’d vote for her.”

NED NEWLEY, male, 50s/60s. The new Governor. A person of impressive ability, but a complete lack of confidence. A man waiting permission to enter a room in which he is already standing.

ARTHUR VANCE, male, 50s/60s. One of the most experienced and successful political consultants in the country. His overbearing personality, and confidence in his own opinions over the opinions of others, should make him dislikable, but his ego is more than tempered by the joy— even glee—he brings into the room. He’s a showman, but his excitement is 100% genuine, and it’s contagious.

RACHEL PARSONS, female, 30s. A TV reporter. She has the looks to be an on-air correspondent— though, if television had never been invented, she still would have been a journalist. Straight-forward and honest, and inquisitive by nature. She’s seen enough of life—and politics-—to be cynical, but she’s more apt to make a wry joke.

A. C. PETERSEN, male, 30s to 50s. A TV camera man. A working man, and—for most people—the guy you didn’t notice was there. Which is fine with A. C.; he has a low tolerance for idiocy, and would rather not interact with anyone. His near-silence doesn’t make him seem unfriendly, just a bit of a mystery